ThursdayFeb 11th 8:30 Morning coffee & Registration - 9:00 Morning coffee & Registration 9:00 Opening - 9:25 Opening 9:25 Keynote - 10:10 KEYNOTE: Linda Rising (USA) - The Power of an Agile Mindset [slides ppt] [video] 10:10 Break - 10:25 Break 10:25 TALK - 10:55 TALK Christina Ohanian: Unleash your creativity and become a better tester [slides] [video] Richard Bradshaw: My Experiences with Testing and Checking [slides] [video] Thomas Sundberg: How Deep Are Your Tests? - Utilizing different levels of automated tests [slides] [video] 10:55 Coffee Break - 11:15 Coffee Break 11:15 WORKSHOP - 12:45</span> WORK-SHOP Llewellyn Falco: Increase Testability with Code Seams [slides] Peter Kofler: Creating Clean, Readable and Expressive Executable Specifications[slides] [code] Alexanda Casapu: Examine Your Testing Skills [slides] 12:45 Lunch - 13:45 Lunch 13:45 TALK - 14:15 TALK Wouter Lagerweij: Testing in a Continuous Delivery World[slides] [video] Abby Bangser: Truth - The state of not yet proven false[slides] [video] Franziska Sauerwein: Experiences in Outside In Test Driven Development (London School) [slides] [video] 14:15 Coffee Break - 14:30 Coffee Break 14:30 Facilitated Lean Coffee - 15:30 Facilitated Lean Coffee 15:30 Break - 15:45 Break 15:45 TALK - 16:15 TALK Simon P. Schrijver: Why Pair Testing can (and will) improve the quality of your work [slides] [video] Emma Keaveny: Dark Patterns - A Tester's Quandary [slides][video] Julian Harty: Symbiosis of Mobile Analytics and Software Testing [slides] [video] 16:15 Break - 16:30 Break 16:30 Keynote - 17:15 KEYNOTE: Anne-Marie Charrett (Australia) - Test Management Revisited [slides] [video] 17:15 Closing the Day Closing the Day and Opening the Conference Party! - 17:30 ... and Opening theConference Party! Closing the Day and Opening the Conference Party!
FridayFeb 12th 8:30 Morning coffee & Registration - 8:50 Morning coffee & Registration 8:50 Opening - 9:00 Opening 9:00 Keynote - 9:45 KEYNOTE: Chris Matts (UK) - We don't need testers! What we really need is testers! [slides] [video] 9:45 Break - 10:00 Break 10:00 TALK - 10:30 TALK Mieke Gevers: Agile and Performance testing? "A Contradiction of terms?"[slides pdf] [slides ppt][video] Ru Cindrea: Dealing with Device Fragmentation in Mobile Games Testing [slides] [video] Maaret Pyhäjärvi: Learning in Layers [slides] [video] 10:30 Break - 10:45 Break 10:45 WORKSHOP - 12:15</span> WORK-SHOP Llewellyn Falco, Thomas Sundberg, Richard Bradshaw: A Mob for Selenium Webdriver Tests [Code created, github] Daniel Billing & Maaret Pyhäjärvi: A Security Testing Hands-on as Mob Testing [slides] Rikke Simonsen: Behavior Driven Development (BDD) - How to Solve Communication Problems [slides] 12:15 Lunch - 13:15 Lunch 13:15 TALK - 13:45 TALK Claudia Rosu: Developer Experience to Testing [slides][video] Jesse Alford: Everybody tests: Balanced teams, Extreme Programming, and Exploration [video] Gita Malinovska: Testing Responsive Websites[slides] [video] 13:45 Coffee Break - 14:00 Coffee Break 14:00 OPEN SPACE - 16:00 Everyone is a speaker! From Marketplace of ideas to Delivering Your Session. OPEN SPACE: Everyone is a speaker! From Marketplace of ideas to Delivering Your Session. [slides Testing of Fear] 16:00 Break - 16:15 Break 16:15 Keynote - 17:00 KEYNOTE: Erik Talboom (Belgium) - Software Craftsmanship and Testing: why SoCraTes is right 17:00 Closing of the Conference - 17:15 Closing of the Conference